Watertown Gun Club, 13802 30th St, Watertown, MN
Registration begins at 8:00am with shooting to follow at approximately 8:30-9:00am.
This is a youth-only competition—a 100 bird Singles event followed by a separate 100 bird Handicap event. Cost is $26/100 targets plus $3ATA/$3MTA fees. You must supply your own ammo--please know that with the ammo shortage you should assume no ammo will be available at the club for purchase.
The Minnesota Chain Shoot is a chain of 4 youth-only, ATA registered target shoots and awards prizes in all four youth categories: Junior Gold, Junior, Sub-Jr and Pre-Sub.
Classes within each category are determined using a computerized Lewis-class program (designed for mySA by Ron Baker) which means everyone has a chance to win, not just the top shooters.
All scores are posted at www.minnesotashotgun.org the same day, and prizes are mailed the week following the shoot; this allows shooters and their families to come, shoot, and leave without having to wait around for results.