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Pheasant Fest/Quail Classic in Schaumburg, IL

  • Schaumburg Convention Center 1551 N Thoreau Dr Schaumburg, IL 60173 (map)

Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic is a trade show that will focus on wildlife conservation, upland game bird hunting (pheasant and quail), dog training, and wildlife habitat management and restoration. In connection with the trade show, Pheasants Forever will hold seminars on habitat improvement, pheasant hunting, shooting sports, wild game cooking, dog training, and conservation and lots more!

WHY WE’RE THERE: In addition to Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic being the best weekend ever, mySA supports the Conservation Career Fair & Shooting Sports Invitational—a half day training in conservation minded topics and shooting sports topics for youth shooting sports athletes as well as coaches.